
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Art of Product Design

The Art of Product Design by Hardi Meybaum explains the rise of Open Engineering, a way of breaking down barriers and taking advantage of web-based communities, knowledge, and tools to accelerate the design and manufacturing processes.
Product development is a team sport, but most companies don't practice it that way. Organizations should be drawing on the creativity of engaged customers and outsiders, but instead they rely on the same small group of internal "experts" for new ideas. Designers and engineers should be connecting with marketing, sales, customer support, suppliers, and most importantly, customers. The Art of Product Design: Changing How Things Get Madeexplains the rise of "Open Engineering," a way of breaking down barriers and taking advantage of web-based communities, knowledge, and tools to accelerate the design and manufacturing processes.

The book helps explain how to establish open flows of information inside and outside an organization, increasing the quality and frequency of input from different groups and stakeholders.

Author Hardi Meybaum is the founder and CEO of GrabCad, the largest community of mechanical engineers and designers in the world.

Open Engineering is crowdsourcing, it's collaborating, it's sharing and connecting. And it's helping a growing number of companies create better products faster than they ever imagined. The Art of Product Design shows you how to harness its power for your company. —

"I never planned to be an author, but about a year ago a group of us at GrabCAD were talking about why we were excited about GrabCAD," writes Meybaum on the GrabCAD Blog. "It emerged that the reason many of us are here was because we were excited that the ways things get made is changing. For context, you should know that almost all of our leadership team are mechanical engineers by training (even our sales and marketing VP) so we’re all excited about making stuff. And we were frustrated by how slowly the design process was changing. To be honest, we were a bit jealous of our software engineer friends, who have seen amazing changes over the last decade in how they build software. We want to see that same revolution happen in mechanical engineering. It’s already begun and the book has amazing examples of companies building new types of products in a new way."

Dean Kamen, founder of DEKA Research and Development and inventor of the Segway praises the book. "Hardi tells two facinating stories with this book, one about how he founded and grew GrabCAD and the other about how he sees the world of product design changing.  Both stories are relevant to anyone seeking to take advantage of new online communities and connections to grow their business."

The Art of Product Design is intended for people looking to:

  • -Understanding how the internet is changing product design and manufacturing
  • -Fostering creativity and communication in their company, regardless of industry
  • -Helping their organization adapt a more open approach to innovation 
  • -Breaking down barriers between "guilds" and help groups communicate
  • -Engaging customers and partners in the creative process

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  1. Thank you for the review, Geoff! Hardi sent this my way - we appreciate it.


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