
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Artists Re-Purpose Shovels Into Larger-Than-Life Pinecones

PInecone art Floyd Elzinga

Artists Patrick Plourde and Floyd Elzinga have both created giant pine cones from old re-purposed shovels.
Shovel Pinecones, credited to artists Patrick Plourde and Floyd Elzinga are actual old shovels re-purposed and arranged to look like giant pine cones just sitting there on a field.

In the image above, the re-purposing of these common, useful tools is doubly effective: partly that they get a new life as art; and partly that they are both realistic and surreal in looking like something familiar but being wildly out of proportion. The unexpected but perfectly natural resemblance of the shovels to pine cones is very effective.

PInecone art Patrick Plourde

PInecone art Floyd Elzinga

SOURCE  Recyclart

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